Jennifer Jeng
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After quite the costume fiasco (I'll spare you the details), Wonka wound up in this priceless get-up. Most adorable hot dog I have ever seen! *pinch*
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die. o_o
best hotdog...ever
AWWWWW so cute!!!!! love it. hes a star.
WONKA!!!! when can i meet him? and he better be wearing this!!
::CHOMP CHOMP:: dog!
A yummy get-up for an adorable doggie.
ahahaha! its so perfect on him!!
haha so cute!
I do not endorse the consumption of domesticated animals.
too cute! I can brag I know him and he likes me!
Reader Comments (11)
die. o_o
best hotdog...ever
AWWWWW so cute!!!!! love it. hes a star.
WONKA!!!! when can i meet him? and he better be wearing this!!
::CHOMP CHOMP:: dog!
A yummy get-up for an adorable doggie.
ahahaha! its so perfect on him!!
haha so cute!
I do not endorse the consumption of domesticated animals.
too cute! I can brag I know him and he likes me!