Love is Blind... as a Bat.

Most gals love receiving flowers, candies, cards, or sparkly things from their guys. I definitely enjoy all of the above, but my husband really knows the way to my nerdy heart. During our most recent date night, Chris surprised me with something really special that I’ve been ogling for quite a while.
A freeze-dried bat! How neat is that?! This is a male Brazilian Free-Tailed Bat (Tadarida brasiliensis). I cannot stop looking at it. As I’ve mentioned in the past, I have an insatiable infatuation with taxidermy. While I can certainly appreciate artistic rogue taxidermy, I simply can’t get enough of collecting scientifically preserved specimens. Call me a crazy person, but I am obsessed.
The bat is from one of my absolute favorite shops - The Evolution Store. This place is so incredibly cool. Not only is it brimming with natural curiosities, it also has a quirky, beautifully curated aesthetic that I adore. The shop is right down the street from my office, and I am constantly swinging by to peruse new offerings. Here are some photos I snapped during a recent visit.
It is like a mini natural history museum, and everything is meticulously labeled. I mean, who wouldn’t want a fossilized cave bear skull? We’ll be bringing the bat (I named him Echo) back to The Evolution Store for custom framing as soon as I figure out which style will best showcase this fine specimen in our home.
BTW - Despite their teeny tiny eyes and nocturnal lifestyles, bats aren’t really blind. Although they rely primarily on echolocation to hunt, avoid predators and navigate dark surroundings, bats can see and are capable of distinguishing colors, shapes, and light levels.